EEAT Factors in SEO for Medical Websites

In today's digital world, medical websites play a key role in providing users with reliable health information. As the volume of data available on the internet increases, search engines use certain criteria to help users find trustworthy sources of information. This criteria includes E-E-A-T factors. In this article, we will examine what these factors are and how they affect your website's ranking in Google's search results.

We also recommend checking out our presentation on promoting dental clinics.

What is E-E-A-T?

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust. These factors have become particularly important for medical websites, where the reliability of information can directly impact users' health and well-being. A high level of E-E-A-T can improve site rankings, making it easily visible to users and potentially rank your website in the top 10 of search results on Google.

E-E-A-T factors were introduced by Google relatively recently as an extension of the previous E-A-T concept. Google began using E-A-T factors in 2018 with the significant algorithm update known as the "Medic Update," which had a substantial impact on websites related to medicine and health.

The additional factor "Experience" was added later to more accurately assess the trustworthiness and quality of site content. According to Google's General Guidelines, the most important element in the E-E-A-T system is Trust.

Let's delve deeper into what each component of this acronym means.


Experience refers to the personal or professional experience of doctors and authors who create content for your website. It is crucial that the information is written or reviewed by specialists with real-world medical experience. This not only increases users' trust in your website but also improves its rankings in search engines.

When visitors see that the content comes from experienced professionals, they are more likely to rely on your information. Additionally, demonstrating experience through case studies and real examples can help solidify your site's reputation as a reliable source of medical information.

Example of demonstrating experience - a doctor’s profile and a work example section (shown below with demo content only)


Expertise is validated by documents that attest to the knowledge and professionalism of your doctors. These can include diplomas, certificates, and other credentialing documents. Publishing information from qualified specialists raises the level of trust and helps users understand that they are receiving information from experts.

It is essential that all articles and materials posted on the site are reviewed and approved by specialists in the respective field. Regularly updating and maintaining the relevance of medical data also helps strengthen your site's expert status.

This means that on the doctor's page and in articles, there should be a section for certifications and clinic licenses.


Authoritativeness is the recognition and respect in the medical field. It can be achieved through mentions of your site on authoritative medical platforms, publications in scientific journals, and citations by other resources. The more authoritative mentions, the higher your site will be evaluated by search engines.

In your materials, you can also reference authoritative sources that served as the basis for the content.

Especially in blog articles, it is beneficial to include links to authoritative sources.


Trust is a fundamental factor for any medical website. It encompasses the accuracy, honesty, and safety of the provided medical information. Ensure that your site includes information about the institution, independent reviews, and personal pages of specialists and authors. The more trust your site generates among users, the higher it will rank in search engines.

Why is it important?

Trust is the primary factor, without which even experience and expertise lose significance. Users must be confident that the information on the site is verified and reliable, especially when it comes to health.

For medical websites, accuracy and reliability are critically important. Incorrect information can lead to serious health consequences for users. EEAT helps ensure that the content on the site is based on scientific data and complies with modern medical standards.

Honest reviews and recommendations based on real medical experience help users assess the quality of services provided and trust in the competence of specialists.

With the increasing volume of data available on the internet, search engines are increasingly using criteria that help users find reliable sources of information. In an environment where information spreads rapidly, it is crucial for medical websites to meet high EEAT standards to ensure user safety and trust.

Tips to Improve EEAT on a Medical Website

  • Share Personal Stories of Doctors and Patients: This adds humanity to your site and increases the level of trust.
  • Engage Qualified Medical Specialists for Content Creation: Ensure that your content is authored by experts in the field.
  • Support Information with Scientific Data and Clinical Studies: Demonstrating that your content is based on reliable sources enhances credibility.
  • Ensure Your Site is Secure and Transparent: Adhere to HIPAA or GDPR standards to safeguard user data.
  • Display Certifications of Doctors and Equipment: Showcase certifications to assure users of your medical facility's adherence to high-quality standards.

EEAT factors play a crucial role in SEO for dental clinic websites. By focusing on these aspects, you not only improve your site's rankings on search engines but also enhance user trust, ultimately leading to increased traffic and improved conversion rates.

E-A-T Checklist for a Medical Website


Authorship of content:
  • Authors of articles are specified.
  • Qualifications and professional experience of authors are indicated.
  • Author biographies including their medical education and experience are included.
Content quality:
  • Articles are written or reviewed by qualified medical specialists.
  • Content is based on scientific research and clinical data.
  • Regular updates of articles to ensure information accuracy.
Use of reliable sources:
  • Articles include references to authoritative and scientific sources.
  • References to original research and medical journals are present.


External links and citations:
  • The site receives backlinks from authoritative medical sources.
  • Articles from the site are cited in other authoritative publications.
Participation in professional communities:
  • The site or its authors are members of professional medical associations.
  • Participation in conferences and publications in recognized medical journals.
Partnerships and collaborations:
  • Partnerships with renowned medical institutions and organizations are established.
  • Interaction with other authoritative medical specialists.


Transparency of information:
  • Clearly stated site goals and mission.
  • Clear and accessible explanation of content creation and updating methodology.
Privacy policy and data security:
  • Presence and accessibility of privacy policy.
  • Ensuring protection of users' personal data (e.g., GDPR or HIPAA compliance).
Contact information:
  • Detailed contact information available.
  • Information about site owners and editorial team present.
User experience and design:
  • User-friendly navigation and clear site structure.
  • Absence of excessive advertising, especially misleading ads.
Reviews and ratings:
  • Positive user reviews.
  • Expert evaluations and recommendations present.
Legal information:
  • Presence of legal notices and disclaimers.
  • Transparency regarding funding sources and advertising partners.

Additional recommendations

Mobile optimization:
  • Site adapted for mobile devices.
  • Fast page loading on mobile devices.
  • Presence of feedback form for users.
  • Prompt and efficient handling of inquiries and complaints.

This checklist will help owners of medical websites assess their current level of compliance with E-A-T factors and identify areas for improvement. Regularly reviewing this checklist and implementing necessary changes will enhance user trust and improve the site's rankings in Google search results.

If you want to update and promote your website, we recommend ordering SEO promotion services. We will conduct a technical audit of your site, assess competitors, and define a plan for priority tasks