A/B Testing Is An Effective Tool In Website Optimization

A/B testing is a popular method used when comparing two different versions of a website to determine the most effective one.

A/B-тестирование – один из наиболее популярных методов сравнения двух разных версий сайта с целью определения наиболее эффективной. В процессе тестирования две равные группы пользователей видят разные версии, а затем определяется, какая из них дает лучшие результаты.

During the testing process, two equal groups of users are shown different versions of a website. For a business owner, this looks like this: variant A brought in fewer inquiries or sales, while variant B significantly outperformed. Moreover, the changes on the website can be minor: replacing the main image, placing the order button higher, reducing the amount of text.

Before conducting A/B tests, it is necessary to conduct an analysis to assess the current state of the website. Without this, it is impossible to achieve conversion growth.

Factors That Could Affect The Results

If changes are implemented immediately and then compared to the previous period, the results may be distorted due to factors such as seasonality, changes in demand, competition, changes in traffic sources, and weather.

To eliminate these factors and obtain accurate results, it is necessary to conduct A/B testing. By using this method, it is possible to determine which changes impact the number of conversions and make decisions based on the data obtained. A/B testing allows achieving optimal results and increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and strategies.

During sudden changes in traffic or user behavior, the results of A/B testing may be unreliable. This is because such anomalies can significantly influence user behavior and, consequently, the research results.

Services for Testing and Optimizing UX

The simplest method for implementing testing is to make changes for all users. However, a more accurate approach is to use services to display the modified design to only a portion of the audience. After that, successful design variants can be implemented into the website's code.

Here are some of the services we offer:

  1. Google Optimize: This is a tool from Google that allows creating and conducting experiments on websites to optimize them for improving the user experience.
  2. Yandex Metrica: A data collection tool about website visits from Yandex, changes are made through Metrica's functionality and dynamically shown to users to collect the necessary amount of data.
  3. Optimizely: This service provides a platform for creating, launching, and analyzing A/B tests and content personalization on websites.
  4. VWO (Visual Website Optimizer): VWO offers tools for A/B testing, multivariate testing, web analytics analysis, and content optimization.
  5. Split.io: Split.io provides functionality for creating and launching A/B tests, managing features based on user behavior, and analyzing experiment results.
  6. Adobe Target: This is part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, providing capabilities for testing web pages, content personalization, and optimizing the user experience.
  7. Crazy Egg: This service offers tools for visualizing user behavior on websites and conducting A/B testing to optimize the user interface.
  8. AB Tasty: AB Tasty provides a platform for creating and launching A/B tests, multivariate testing, and content personalization on websites and mobile applications.

These services offer various functional capabilities and approaches to A/B testing, allowing you to choose the most suitable tool depending on the specific needs and goals of your project.

Other Testing Methods

To achieve more accurate data, other testing methods can be employed, including A/B/n testing, in which more than two solutions are simultaneously tested. This allows for a more precise assessment of the impact of various alternative options.

Additionally, multivariate tests can be used, where all possible combinations of different elements are tested. Such an approach allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of the impact of each element on the final outcome and eliminates possible distortions caused by anomalies.

For reliable results, testing should be conducted with a visitation rate of 50,000 and a conversion rate of 2%. Otherwise, the sample size may not be large enough to ensure validity.


Conducting A/B testing is an important tool for optimizing web resources. However, it is necessary to consider possible anomalies that may distort the results.

Thorough planning and execution of A/B testing are crucial. Clear goals should be set, the right audience selected, high-quality variants developed, and their even distribution ensured. It is also important to have sufficient traffic volume to obtain statistically significant results. After completing the test, data should be analyzed, and conclusions drawn about its effectiveness. Properly conducted A/B testing can help improve business and achieve greater profits.

After a successful A/B test, it is necessary to transition to the continuous implementation of changes. This is independent of traffic levels or budget. If traffic is low, A/B tests can be skipped, but it is still necessary to analyze and implement solutions to increase traffic. It is important not to settle for achieved results but to constantly work on improvement and growth. Only in this way can long-term success be achieved and business efficiency increased.